Things I did in 48 hours, while wearing fishnet stockings

  • Rode a ferry to Vancouver and got my first slight sunburn of the year
  • Used up a store credit at Diane’s Lingerie
  • Visited two cousins and an aunt, and found out Galen is now considered an honorary cousin on account of my hanging around with him for so long

Two cousins, an aunt, a loverman.

  • Rocked out up front at Dungen, and felt very proud and happy for them even though I don’t know them

God speaking to Dungen.

Jazz flute.

  • Slept for 4 hours (ok, not in fishnets)
  • Rode a ferry back to Victoria
  • Arrived on time for a 10am business meeting
  • Walked to grandmother’s house
  • Battled sleep deprivation, caffeine shakes, and grandmother to produce mitered velvet corners

Grampa's WWII medals

  • Collected my mail from the postbox
  • Stumbled home
  • Wrote a training manual
  • Collapsed
  • Remembered the mail, and discovered our tickets to Pitchfork’s music festival had arrived. Os Mutantes!
  • Collapsed, excitedly